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School Board President

jbogueMy name is Jennifer Bogue, but I prefer to go by Jenny. My husband Jamie and have lived in the Taylor School district for nearly our entire marriage. Jamie and all 3 of our children are/will be Taylor graduates.  Our oldest, Nathan, graduated in 2009 and is married with 2 sons. Nathan was in the U.S. Marines for 8 years.  Our daughter, Grace, graduated in 2015 and is married to Caleb Maple (a 2014 Taylor grad). They live in Australia and serve/work in a church as the Worship Leaders/Youth Leaders.  Our youngest, Jack, will graduate in June 2021. He has enlisted in the U.S. Marines and will leave for boot camp after graduation.
We have lived in the Taylor School district for nearly our entire marriage. We have been very involved in Taylor as volunteers and staff over the years.  My hubby is employed as a part time bus driver, I was employed at for a year as the PLATO Credit Recovery Paraprofessional. I have been President and Spirit Coordinator of the Band Boosters, the Parent Coordinator for the Senior Fling for the class of 2015.  I have a Business degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. For 3 years, I was the Finance Director of our Church Camp Board. I am currently the Finance Director for Up & Up Ministries, which is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit that works and serves in the island nation of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. I love the administrative side of business and have served as a Church Secretary/Ministry Assistant/Personal Ministry Assistant in two churches for more than 20 years.
I wholeheartedly believe in the Taylor’s Mission Statement to prepare and encourage our students for success. It is my desire to help “distinguish ourselves as a premiere educational site, ensuring a life of success and continued growth for all of our students.” I believe the position of a school board member is very valuable in making decisions for the betterment of our community and our world by helping and equipping our current students prepare for the rest of their lives and looking forward to the students yet to come. I hope to be a voice for students and their parents since I am a current parent of a Senior. I believe we have the best administrators, teachers and students in our community and I desire to be part of continuing that tradition.


Please feel free to contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any suggestions or comments. Thank you.
  • Hits: 1997
Mission Statement

The Taylor School Community mission is to prepare and encourage our students for success in all life’s opportunities through the foundation of TITAN STYLE.

Vision Statement

Working together as the Taylor Learning Community, we will distinguish ourselves as a premiere educational site, ensuring a life of success and continued growth for all of our students.

From Roots to Wings: Grow, Soar, Inspire